Karma Bass, CEO and Managing Principal, Via Healthcare Consulting
Having participated and led hundreds of board retreats over my 25 years in the field, I’ve developed a few “go-to” practices that help ensure the retreats I’m part of stand out in the minds of participants and leaders. Nothing makes me happier that getting comments on our evaluation forms that say: “This was the best retreat I’ve ever been to,” and I’m happy to say we do see this comment regularly.
So, here are my secrets to delivering an impactful retreat with your board of directors.
Know what you're trying to achieve.
Focus on who will be in the room.
Make sure it’s the people who need to be there and no one else. I suggest board members and the CEO only, with perhaps a trusted facilitator or executive assistant. Good governance is not a spectator sport and having extra people in the room may stifle much-needed frank and open conversation.
Create space for the conversation.
Know what matters.
Beware the trap of building routine board business into a retreat.
And, one for the road: A bonus tip.
Bring in a professional facilitator. Anyone who’s ever tried knows it’s impossible to fully engage as a participant and run a meeting at the same time. CEOs and board chairs may think they should facilitate their board’s retreat, but this doesn’t produce the best meetings. You’re depriving the rest of the board of your full insights and engagement, which lessens the richness of the discussion and, potentially, the outcomes. Many large healthcare organizations have organizational development professionals on their staff who can be tapped for this role. And, of course, there many skilled consultants, like our team at ViaHCC, who would be happy to be engaged for the role.